Education for Anyone, Anywhere


Career Counseling

St.Xavier education consultancy always believe in providing right guidance  & direction to the aspiring  students.we always give more focus on student subjects/desired course of study and countries of interest .the student evaluation is based an students academic performance ,health condition financial status and position of family &after careful analysis of  over all status of applicant  & proceed application of enrollment  in foreign colleges &universities.

We believe that every students have their own profile, preference ,social,economic background, experiences &objective. Our focus will be to give right decision to  shape for their reason to study abroad .we always focus on right career counseling not only admission/enrollment  counseling .

We have certified educated,trained &experienced education counselor who are qualified for both individual and group counselling sessions in Favor of students.more ever,we have been conducting various in house seminars& information session,workshops motivational program,student –college/university  representative interaction program with foreign colleges &universities.

St.Xavier education consultancy always believe in providing right guidance  & direction to the aspiring  students.we always give more focus on student subjects/desired course of study and countries of interest .the student evaluation is based an students academic performance ,health condition financial status and position of family &after careful analysis of  over all status of applicant  & proceed application of enrollment  in foreign colleges &universities.

We believe that every students have their own profile, preference ,social,economic background, experiences &objective. Our focus will be to give right decision to  shape for their reason to study abroad .we always focus on right career counseling not only admission/enrollment  counseling .

We have certified educated,trained &experienced education counselor who are qualified for both individual and group counselling sessions in Favor of students.more ever,we have been conducting various in house seminars& information session,workshops motivational program,student –college/university  representative interaction program with foreign colleges &universities.

Study Abroad

St.xavier has earned a good reputation and trust from the students parents ,government  stakeholders &good image among foreign colleges & universities .this factors motivates us to be more strong enough to accept allergens &covert challenges into oppertunities.this would forther helps to earn competitive bengits at the some time changes in overall performance of organization turn this has helped the students with the choice of direrse study  couse optiors form among a vast orange of repoted colleges in australia ,newzealand,canada,uk usa frana, denmark cyprus many more europe countries.

Test Preparation

St.xavier education consultancy  always belire in making changes in our organization as per changing education enivironment .as per the demand  & persent market scenario of students we conduct variouspreparation classes i.e lelts, TOEFL,pet…..It  is one of the best test preparation center focus on producing qualitative &qualified condiate which forther helps them to easily get enrollment to study invarious foregin colleges & universities.We study 250-300 students per year in different flexible time.Some of the key strengths & benefits of joining st. Xavier edu.con for test preparations are.

a)Comberidge &british counal certified instructor

b)Small size classroom  with well-equipped equipment &materiau

c)special classes for the students who basically weak,

d)flexible class schedule with affordable &cheaper feel,

e)best scorer I  lelts in 2018/2019

f)exclusire course materials test tips & techniques,

g)peacful learning environment

h)library and e-library facilities,

i)easy accers form any places near kathmandu city

the  tutor at st.xavier education consultancy are certified ,traired, experienad ,proyersional &friendly .they motivate participatory learning  ,group discussion &interaction among students to make learning procers creative innoviatire ,economic,eftectire,intresting &productive.

IELTS class room photo

IELTS student &tutor photo

Best IELTS scorer photo

Library photo

Mock test photo of students

Interaction program with tutor photos

Scholarship Assistance

Visa Documentation

Career Counselling


English Proficiency
Test Guidance

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